Aichi Targets

Target 14

Ecosystem services


Rich and diverse ecosystems in the region provide significant benefits, also known as ecosystem services, to millions, both within and beyond the ASEAN borders. The ASEAN Member States (AMS) have focused on rehabilitating terrestrial habitats, through reforestation, implementation of integrated resource management and other strategies, to increase carbon stocks while maintaining other ecosystem services for communities.

Aside from climate regulation and carbon sequestration, the region is also focusing on water
availability as a key ecosystem service to be maintained through biodiversity conservation.
With 16.2 per cent of the world’s total renewable water resources in the region, AMS have been implementing integrated resource management to ensure connectivity of terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems and maintain its water resources.

AMS reported the formulation of various action plans and activity programs based on national
needs. National legislations and codes that dealt with payment for ecosystem services (PES)
schemes were enumerated. Restoration projects that focused on degraded agricultural lands
included the rural poor as their stakeholders.

Most AMS have progressed towards this Aichi Target but at a rate that is not likely to achieve
the target. Aichi Target 14 contributes directly to SDG 5 (gender equality), as it identifies underserved groups and communities as its beneficiaries. In addition, it is related to SDGs 6
(clean water and sanitation), 14 (life below water), and 15 (life on land). Progress in achieving
Aichi Target 14 is also linked to Aichi Targets 6 (sustainable management of aquatic resources), 7 (sustainable agriculture, aquaculture and forestry), 10 (relief of pressure on vulnerable ecosystems), and 15 (restoration of ecosystem resilience).

Regional progress

Most AMS have progressed towards this Aichi Target but at a rate that is not likely to achieve the target. AMS have focused on rehabilitating terrestrial habitats, particularly through reforestation, to increase carbon stocks while maintaining other ecosystem services for communities.

Aichi Target 14




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