Aichi Targets

Target 15
Ecosystem restoration and resilience

The loss of species and ecosystem services due to the degradation of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has resulted in a significant loss in the annual global gross product. This worsening degradation negatively impacts food security and provision of important ecosystem services to communities around the world.
Restoration of degraded ecosystems could help improve resilience, conserve biodiversity, and
enhance benefits from ecosystems and ecosystem services. It also provides opportunities for
adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. Aichi Target 15, thus, aims to restore at least
15 per cent of degraded ecosystems to address climate change and combat desertification.
Most AMS are on course to restoring at least 15 per cent of their degraded ecosystems while
some are proceeding at an insufficient rate. Across the region, initiatives towards ecosystems
restoration primarily involve reforestation, mangrove and wetlands rehabilitation, and the
development and adoption of support policy frameworks and networks.
Progress in achieving Aichi Target 15 affects progress towards Targets 5 (reduction of habitat
loss), 7 (sustainable agriculture, aquaculture and forestry) and 14 (restoration of ecosystem
services).¹ Conversely, progress towards Target 15 is affected by progress towards the
following Targets: 2-4 (addressing underlying causes), 5, 7, 14, and 20 (addressing mobilisation of financial resources).
The achievement of Aichi Target 15 would directly contribute to the achievement of SDGs 1
(poverty alleviation), 13 (climate change), 14 (oceans, seas, marine resources), and 15 (terrestrial ecosystems).²
Regional progress
Half of AMS are on track to achieving Aichi Target 15 while the other hald are progressing towards the target but at an insufficient rate. Most AMS are on course to restoring at least 15 per cent of their degraded ecosystems while some are proceeding at an insufficient rate. Across the region, initiatives towards ecosystems restoration primarily involve reforestation, mangrove and wetlands rehabilitation, and the development and adoption of support policy frameworks and networks.


Aichi Target 15
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