Aichi Targets

Target 16

Access to and sharing benefits from genetic resources


As a region that is rich in biodiversity, the ASEAN has had the biotechnology industry take interest in its genetic resources. Benefits from the use of these resources by other entities sometimes do not reach AMS, therefore regulatory systems are needed to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits gathered from the access and use of the states’ genetic resources.

The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilisation (ABS) to the CBD provides a legal framework which ensures the fair and equitable benefit-sharing from the use of resources.2 The region has largely been working towards implementing the Nagoya Protocol through supporting the development of related national legislation in AMS.

Most AMS are on track to achieve the target, although, a few countries are progressing towards the target at an insufficient rate as indicated in their 6NR. Of the 10 AMS, five have acceded and two have signed in to the Protocol. ABS legislation and policy issuances have also been implemented throughout the region.

Initiatives including capacity building, establishment of ABS clearing-houses and databases, and designation of national authorities on ABS, have been implemented to support the protection and conservation of genetic resources in the region.

Key lessons that can be learned are (a) natural capital accounting and assessment of existing
ABS frameworks in each country are needed to fully support the implementation of the Protocol, and (b) countries should also strive to implement an overarching national ABS framework to maximise benefits from the Protocol.

Regional progress

Most AMS are on track to achieve the target, although, a few countries are progressing towards the target at an insufficient rate as indicated in their 6NR. Of the 10 AMS, five have acceded and two have signed into the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilisation (ABS) to the CBD. ABS legislation and policy issuances have also been implemented throughout the region. Initiatives including capacity building, establishment of ABS clearing-houses and databases, and designation of national authorities on ABS, have been implemented to support the protection and conservation of genetic resources in the region.

Aichi Target 16




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