Aichi Targets

Target 19
Sharing information and knowledge

Most of the AMS have established their national Clearing House Mechanism (CHM). Early on, Indonesia and Malaysia received the gold award under the New CHM Category during COP 13 and COP 14, respectively, for demonstrating the most progress in developing their CHMs. Other AMS are in various stages of organising, updating, and populating their CHMs towards full functionality, accessibility, and usability despite challenges.
To support the development of CHM websites of member countries and facilitate the effective
implementation of NBSAPs, the CBD Secretariat developed the Bioland Tool. In the ASEAN
region, the CDB Secretariat, together with ACB, launched in March 2020 the Bioland Tool
and conducted an online orientation for Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and
Thailand. This tool enables AMS to collate and present national biodiversity information in
a coherent manner and support content presentation. Also, the ASEAN CHM is undergoing
several enhancements, including the inclusion of bacteria and fungi databases, in collaborationwith Thailand’s National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC).
The recently launched ASEAN Biodiversity Dashboard will provide a data visualisation for
tracking the progress of AMS towards the Aichi Targets and biodiversity-related Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). It is a platform that makes use of accurate and country-validated
information, and is supported by available published indicators.
Regional progress
Most AMS have established their national Clearing-House Mechanisms (CHMs). National CHMs are vital in providing scienced-based biodiversity data and information. CHMs can potentially drive forward policy, institutional, and financial support towards achieving biodiversity targets.


Aichi Target 19
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