Aichi Targets

Target 3
Incentives reformed

Some AMS have been developing and implementing a needs-based design for incentive mechanisms that control anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity, means of phasing out perverse incentives, and performance-based incentives to encourage sustainable agriculture practices. In at least two AMS, some laws and policies have been revised, rewritten, and redesigned to enable community management of forests and address local land tenure.
Several projects have been mobilised to implement these innovations. Some forms of incentivesfor biodiversity-friendly performance are demonstrated through giving of recognition and awards for exemplary environmental performance.
Regional progress
Most AMS have exerted efforts in reviewing and restructuring their laws and strategies. Incentives offer opportunities to mainstream biodiversity conservation into their social and economic agendas, but mechanisms to eliminate those that are harmful to biodiversity have yet to be established.


Aichi Target 3
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