Aichi Targets

Target 9

Invasive alien species prevented and controlled


The AMS have made good progress in the inventory of invasive alien species (IAS) and their pathways and in selecting priorities for managing IAS, albeit more focused on terrestrial species.

Effective management of IAS and their pathways depends heavily on relevant national strategies that are reinforced by laws. Most AMS have laws and regulations to prevent the introduction of and manage IAS. The NBSAPs of AMS articulate targets aimed at preventing, eradicating, and controlling IAS, and have aligned these targets to Aichi Target 9.

In addition to local laws, international agreements that support the prevention and control of
IAS provide guidance to AMS. Two such agreements are the International Convention for the
Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments through the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Some AMS maintain a national list or database, while others utilise other databases such as
the Global Invasive Species Database. To manage risks from IAS, Thailand revised its database
of alien species with the help of Mahidol University and Rama 9 Public Park. The Philippines
endorsed for approval a draft list of IAS in the country while Singapore aimed to compile a list
of potential IAS in 2020.

Several AMS, namely: Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Thailand, produced information
materials on IAS such as books and booklets. Through its College of Fisheries, Indonesia
created ‘AIS Indonesia,’ an app used to identify alien and invasive fish species. Indonesia and
Cambodia mapped the occurrence of IAS in their respective territories.

Regional progress

Majority of AMS have relevant legislations, regulations, and acts on IAS. Some AMS hae conducted inventories of IAS and pathways have identified priorities for IAS management.

Aichi Target 9




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