Policy Brief
ABO3 PB 1: Transforming Awareness to Biodiversity Conservation Behaviour
Raising awareness and understanding of the importance of biodiversity values is so significant that it was the first among the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets under the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Awareness raising across all sectors is a prerequisite to accomplishing biodiversity targets and plays a crucial role in positioning biodiversity protection and conservation at the centre of the global agenda, development and scientific discourse, and policy instruments.
ABO3 PB2: Mainstreaming Biodiversity Values
ABO3 PB 3: Providing Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation
ABO3 PB 4: Promoting Sustainable Production and Consumption
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) aims to enhance resource use efficiency and to reduce wastes and pollutants that cause adverse impacts on biodiversity. The concept gained attention as economic growth changed people’s consumption behaviour, and consequently increased pressure on constrained resources.